There will be an election for council this year.  It will be held on Saturday, July 17, 2021 at the Baptiste Fire Hall located at 945 Baptiste Drive between the hours of 10:00 am and 7:00 pm.

Bios for each of the candidates running are available on the Summer Village of Sunset Beach Facebook page.  Candidates for office are (in alphabetical order by last name);

Fred Black

Tim Evans

Mark Lindskoog

Mike Mestinsek

Shawn Wasel

If you will not be in the area on election day and wish to vote by mail, you must request a special ballot package in writing.  Please do this as soon as possible as it must be received prior to election day in order to be counted.  Each person requesting a special ballot, must do so themselves.  You cannot request a special ballot for someone else.

I will be also be looking for some people to work a 3 hour shift on election day.  If you are willing, please contact me.  Workers should not be related to candidates and must be over 18 years old.

If you have any questions please contact Kim at 780-239-7323 or