Your Council

The decision making body for the Summer Village is a municipal Council consisting of three Councilors who were elected in 2021 for a four year term.

A Council is responsible for:
Developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality;
Making sure that the powers, duties and functions of the municipality are appropriately carried out;
Carrying out the powers, duties and functions expressly given to it under the Municipal Government Act or Summer Village Bylaw.

A Council must not exercise a power or function or perform a duty that is by this or another enactment or bylaw specifically assigned to the chief administrative officer or a designated officer.


Mark Lindskoog



[email protected]

Mark resides at and carries on a practice of law in Edmonton.  He and his family have been Sunset Beach "weekenders" dating back to the mid 1950"s.  Mark previously served as mayor of the summer village from 2007 through 2017.


Tim Evans

Deputy Mayor


[email protected]

Tim Evans was born and raised in Athabasca.  His family has owned the property at Sunset Beach since 1939.  Tim is a permanent resident and has been on council since 2017.


Fred Black



[email protected]

Fred was born in Athabasca in 1951. They moved back to Baptiste Lake 6 years ago to be closer to family. They have been full time residents since then and spend their winters here.